Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

OneFXGroup Review: Revealing the Reality of a Forex Scam!

OneFXGroup claims to be a reputable European Forex & CFD brokerage, boasting favorable trading conditions and a strong client base. However, our investigation reveals significant irregularities, prompting us to issue a warning about this elaborate hoax targeting unsuspecting traders.

Legal Info: Lack of Regulation
OneFXGroup’s website lacks transparency regarding its legal background, merely stating its alleged foundation in Ireland. However, a search in the Irish Central Bank register yields no results, raising concerns about the broker’s legitimacy. Further confirming suspicions, the British Columbia Securities Commission (BCSC), Manitoba Securities Commission (MSC), and Italy’s CONSOB have issued warnings against OneFXGroup. This clearly indicates the broker’s unauthorized operations within the European Economic Area (EEA).

Targets and Regulatory Violations
Established in September 2023, OneFXGroup primarily targets traders in the UK, Canada, Switzerland, Singapore, and Australia. Despite heavy market regulations in these countries, OneFXGroup operates without proper authorization, violating European regulations by offering excessive leverage to retail clients (1:400).

Trader Reviews – Mixed Feedback
While some positive reviews exist, questions arise regarding their authenticity. Traders have reported issues, such as fund disappearance when attempting withdrawals, raising concerns about the broker’s legitimacy. For a more in-depth understanding, we recommend reviewing user experiences on

Trading Platform Concerns
OneFXGroup claims to offer MT5, but the absence of a download link and the reliance on a web trading terminal with no demo account raise doubts about the platform’s quality. Legitimate brokers typically support established third-party software like MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5, or cTrader for a robust trading experience.

Live Account Types, Leverage, and Transparency
OneFXGroup offers a maximum leverage of 1:400, significantly exceeding legal limits in various regions. The lack of specific information on spreads, commissions, and the absence of a demo account raises concerns about transparency. Transparent brokers provide detailed information on trading costs and offer demo accounts for risk-free practice.

Deposit and Withdrawal Risks
Accepted payment methods include credit/debit cards, wire transfers, and e-wallets, with a minimum deposit of $250. Given OneFXGroup’s questionable background, the withdrawal process is likely to be challenging. Clients may consider pursuing chargebacks through credit/debit cards or wire recalls to recover funds.

Key Facts to Consider
In summary, OneFXGroup operates as an anonymous fraudulent entity, focusing on traders from specific countries. Blacklisted by Canadian regulators and Italy’s CONSOB, the broker lacks regulation and transparency. If you’ve fallen victim to the OneFXGroup scam, seek professional assistance for fund recovery.

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