Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Warning: Fast Refund Group Exposed – A Scam Targeting Innocent Victims

Beware of Fast Refund Group, a purported chargeback company operating as a deceptive and fraudulent entity. Despite claiming to offer legitimate chargeback services, this cyber organization is, in reality, a group of financial swindlers.

Similar to MyChargeBack, the culprits behind this shady website use the guise of assisting fraud victims in recovering stolen money, with the intention of deceiving them. Our Fast Refund Group Review aims to expose these digital dodgers, so read on to prevent potential financial losses.

Fast Refund Group lacks regulation, and the absence of oversight is due to its business model, which doesn’t require a special license. Chargeback services often operate in a regulatory gray area, making them legal entities but still posing risks. Checking the alleged New York address and the absence from the SEC register reveal that it is not a legitimate company.

This lack of regulatory oversight allows illicit entities to run schemes unsupervised, posing a significant risk to consumers. In navigating the financial services industry, exercise caution, and choose reputable providers with proper regulatory compliance to ensure financial security and protection against potential scams like Fast Refund Group.

Who Are Fast Refund Group’s Targets?

The domain, created in September 2022, primarily targets victims in the United States, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, and Israel. These cunning con artists focus on individuals from heavily regulated countries, taking advantage of the trust people place in chargeback services. If you encounter a suspicious provider, report it to the relevant market authorities.

Consider all fund recovery options carefully before trusting an anonymous website with additional funds, as there are many chargeback frauds like Fast Refund Group and PayBack LTD. Ensure the company you choose has excellent ratings and a legitimate track record.

Backlash – User Reviews

After complaints from victims in various countries, we found negative reviews on platforms like These reviews highlight the deceptive tactics of Fast Refund Group, where they talk convincingly until they receive money, leaving victims scammed and deceived.

Beware of dishonest Fast Refund Group reviews and fake analyses that falsely praise the company. The lack of proof of success and a verifiable track record raises significant red flags against its legitimacy.

No Verifiable Track Record

A reputable company typically presents a transparent history of successful recovery cases, satisfied clients, and a proven track record. Fast Refund Group lacks any substantial evidence of legitimacy or positive outcomes, questioning its reliability. Do not trust chargeback firms without a valid track record.

How Chargeback Scams Work

Fraudulent chargeback companies present themselves as legitimate entities offering assistance with fund retrieval but seek illicit gains from victims who lost money to online scammers. They may charge upfront fees or claim to recover funds but disappear after payment. Some collaborate with phony brokers to run schemes together.

To protect yourself from such scams, exercise caution when selecting chargeback firms, conduct research, and choose reputable companies with verifiable track records and transparent practices.

Key Information To Consider About Fast Refund Group

In summary, Fast Refund Group is a chargeback scam targeting victims in the United States, Netherlands, Canada, Australia, and Israel. The group poses as a legitimate chargeback agency to steal money from those already scammed online, charging excessive fees and disappearing without recovering funds.

Stay away from anonymous websites lacking valid legal documentation or a track record. If you’re a victim, book a free consultation with a reputable chargeback provider like Scam Brokers Reviews, known for honesty, transparency, and verifiable results.

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