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Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Quantum Trade Wave Review – Are Affiliated Brokerages Reliable?

One of the initial disconcerting aspects of this company is its reluctance to disclose any legal information, including a registered name, company address, or contact details. Despite this opacity, potential investors are urged to trust the company’s assertions.

Fortunately, our comprehensive Quantum Trade Wave review provides insights that may help you steer clear of dubious brokers in the future.

Legal Information: Legitimacy or Scam?
Quantum Trade Wave, in a way, may be considered legitimate as they explicitly outline potential outcomes in their disclaimers, placing responsibility on traders. However, red flags arise from their connection to shady brokerages, evident in the lack of transparency. For a more secure trading experience, it is advised to stick to Tier 1 licensed firms, preferably those with FCA, BaFin, or ASIC licenses.

Who are Quantum Trade Wave Clients?
Another reason to approach this company with caution is its recent registration, dating back to February 2023, as per records. Victims drawn to their website primarily hail from Australia, the United Kingdom, Germany, the United States, and Italy. Your input, shared in the comments or directly with us, can contribute to raising awareness and assisting others in making informed decisions.

Financial Considerations:
Quantum Trade Wave’s trading relies on commissions earned from affiliated companies. The platform imposes no initial fees, but users must deposit funds with an undisclosed brokerage to gain access. The absence of transparent withdrawal policies raises concerns.

Bonuses and Reviews:
Quantum Trade Wave avoids overt bonus offers, sparing users from potential pitfalls associated with hidden terms. The importance of reading reviews before falling victim to scams is emphasized, with users encouraged to assert their right to claim funds back if they suspect their investment is unsafe.

Trading Features:
The platform is exclusively designed for crypto trading, offering analysis, reporting, and charting features. However, without credibility, these features are questionable. Opting for a Tier 1 licensed exchange is recommended for a more trustworthy investment.

Trading Platforms and Assets:
Quantum Trade Wave’s web-based platform, while claiming success, lacks the reliability and security of industry-standard platforms like cTrader or MetaTrader. The availability of more than 150 crypto assets may seem enticing, but credibility concerns persist.

Account Types and Mobile Access:
Account types are undisclosed until registration, creating uncertainty. Additionally, the absence of a dedicated mobile app raises concerns about the effectiveness of different trading strategies.

Demo Account and Education:
A lack of transparency extends to the absence of a demo account and educational programs. Affiliated companies may offer such resources, but their legitimacy remains uncertain.

Withdrawal and Customer Support:
Withdrawals are contingent on the affiliated brokerage, necessitating thorough research before depositing funds. A lack of customer support, apart from a web contact form, raises questions about responsiveness.

Key Takeaways:
The major issue with Quantum Trade Wave lies in its anonymous nature, leaving traders unaware of the entities they are dealing with. If you’ve been affected by this or a similar software, our refund specialists are available to guide you through the refund process at no cost. Send us a message promptly to protect your hard-earned money.

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